Fasciculus Gracilis and Fasciculus cuneatus Tract || Posterior ascending Tracts| CNS Physiology.
Fasciculus Gracilis and Fasciculus cuneatus Tract || Posterior ascending Tracts| CNS Physiology. • Lecture content: In these lecture we discussed about the posterior white column ascending Tracts in which mainly talk about fasciculus gracilis or tract of goll and fasciculus cuneatus or tract of burdach .I was explained in following heading situation,origin ,course, termination, functions and lession in the tracts I hope u will enjoy these lecturers and build up yours concepts. cns physiology physiology and anatomy. mbbs physiology lecturers mbbs 1st year lecturers mbbs lecturers chill medicos NEXT NEET UG NEET-PG _____________________________________________ • Links : • For notes join my official telegram channel: https://t.me/Chillmedicos14 • For queries join public telegram group : https://t.me/Chillmedico • Facebook page : / himanshudaso . • Intagram page : / chill.medico • You tube channel : / chillmedicos140 ~ Chill medicos provides University based important lecturers and notes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • Mentions : @Chill Medicos @Biochemistry by Dr Rajesh Jambhulkar @Physiology by Doctor Nagi @Institute of Human Anatomy ___________________~~~~~~~~____________ • video # tags #spinalcord #spinaltracts #ascendingtract #fasciculusgracilis #fasciculuscuneatus #neurology #cnsphysiology #physiology #physiologylectures #mbbs #next #neetpg #neetug #anatomyandphysiology #mbbs #chillmedicos