What Happens to Your Body while FASTING for 2 Days
Discover what happens inside your body as you fast for 2 whole days. If you are planning to start an intermittent fasting protocol make sure you watch this video first, to find out exactly what will happen once you start. Eating no Food for 24 to 72 Hours triggers major changes inside your body - What does fasting really do to your body and health? Fasting has sparked a lot of debate lately, some praise it as the fountain of youth, while others warn against it. In this video we will explore the science behind fasting and dive deep into what happens in your body on a cellular level. Going without food for a certain period triggers various changes in your body that impact your brain, digestive system, immune system, hormones, and the functioning of all microscopic cells. These shifts can affect how your body operates on multiple levels, influencing everything from cellular processes to overall system health. #health #fasting #intermittentfasting #ketones #helathy #autophagy #fastingbenefits #fatburn #longevity #keto #detox ................................................. Disclaimer: Health Tips Daily does not provide medical advice and the information provided throughout our videos, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images, and other materials, are entirely intended for educational purposes only. These videos are not intended to replace professional medical advice that you should seek only from your primary care physician. Should you have any medical concerns please contact a doctor as soon as possible. All the information presented in our videos are for educational purposes only.