Thermal properties of matter| Class 11 physics in Assamese- Black body radiation, Wien's Law
Thermal properties of matter| Class 11 physics in Assamese- Black body radiation, Wien's Law Our main aim is to help you to convert from Assamese medium to English medium comfortably and to save your time for self studies👍 join us 👇 WhatsApp: 8638163934 Gyanam tuition Live👇 Motion in a straight line YouTube LIVE:    • Motion in a straight line YouTube LIVE  Playlist 👇    • CHAPTER-02, PHY11  Time code 00:00 - radiation 13:40 - Thermal radiation 16:50 - absorption, reflection and emittion of radiation 23:13 - Applications of black body radiation in daily life. 26:30 - Black body radiation 34:07 - Sun is a black body or not? 35:33 - Wien's law #gyanamtuition #hs #physics #ahsec #ncert #class11 #thermalpropertiesofmatter #radiation #blackbodyradiation #blackbody #class11physics #thermal #ch11 #PhysicsExplained #HigherSecondaryPhysics #PhysicsClass #PhysicsConcepts #ScienceEducation #PhysicsForStudents #LearnPhysics #PhysicsVideos #StudyPhysics #PhysicsLovers #ScienceGeek #STEMEducation #PhysicsInAction #PhysicsExperiments #EducationalVideos #HighSchoolPhysics #PhysicsTutorial #AcademicSuccess #ExamPrep #PhysicsSimplified #Physics101 #ThermalProperties #HeatTransfer #Thermodynamics #HeatScience #ThermalPhysics #TemperatureMatters #HeatConduction #ThermalConductivity #ThermalExpansion #HeatEnergy #PhysicsExplained #STEMEducation #ScienceVideos #PhysicsConcepts #LearnScience #EducationalContent #ViralPhysics #HeatAndMatter #PhysicsGeek #HeatTransferExplained