The Shoebox Ministry and The Great Commission | Rev. Jim Davis | Oak Grove Baptist Church

The Shoebox Ministry and The Great Commission | Rev. Jim Davis | Oak Grove Baptist Church

Thank you for joining us for morning worship! In today's message Pastor Jim preaches on The Shoebox Ministry and The Great Commission" from Mark 16:15. Find This Sundays Bulletin and Sermon Notes notes here! Do the four! Help stop sickness! 1. HANDS Wash them often 2. ELBOW Cough into it 3. FACE Don't touch it 4. FEEL sick? Stay home If you are blessed by this ministry and would like let us know about any of your prayer needs below is our contact information: Oak Grove Baptist Church Wauchula 4350 West Main St Wauchula,FL 33873 Phone Number: +1-863-735-0321 Email Address: [email protected] Secure online giving now available! To give click on the link below: or visit our website: and then click the link! If you are blessed by this ministry and would like to donate to the camera fund, worship media or just to give your tithe, you can do so by going to the link below! To give click on the link below: or visit our website: and then click the link! Thank you! This was recorded live at Oak Grove Baptist Church Wauchula, Florida on 10 November 2024. All Music belongs to their respective owners.