Opening/Closing to Inspector Gadget [1999 VHS]

Opening/Closing to Inspector Gadget [1999 VHS]

#vhs #opening #subscribe Previews List Opening 1. FBI Warning 2. Walt Disney Home Video (blue variant) 3. Coming Soon to own on Video and DVD 4. Tarzan Trailer 5. An Extremely Goofy Movie Trailer 6. Now Available to own on Video and DVD 7. Pinocchio 60th Anniversary Trailer 8. I'll be home for Christmas Trailer 9. Mickeys Once Upon a Christmas Trailer 10. ABC Ident 11. ABC Promo 12. Youngstown Soundtrack Commercial 13. Stay Tuned After The Movie 14. promo 15. Feature Presentation 16. Film Fit To Screen 17. Walt Disney Pictures Logo Closings 1. Caravan Pictures Logo 2. Walt Disney Pictures Logo 3. Inspector Gadget Gadget's Greatest Gadgets Trailer 4. Youngstown I'll Be Your Everything (NOT SHOWN)    • Youngstown - I'll be Your Everything ...   THAT'S ALL ©1999 Disney Enterprises, Inc. All Rights Reserved.