Starting a Meadow in Grass Using This Native Plant

Starting a Meadow in Grass Using This Native Plant

Music: Dear Autumn Musician: @iksonmusic Want to make a meadow the natural way? Trade hard work for time using nature's way. This native wildflower can actually replace your grass with wildflower meadow over time; and it can all be done without heavy machinery or expensive investments in soil and labor. Yellow rattle is a simi-parasitic plant, meaning that it obtains part of its nutrients directly from the roots of other plants, by doing so it reduces the vigor of grass wherever it grows. If you don't have yellow rattle growing nearby and would like to purchase seeds, we have them available online: Side note: though taxonomical differences are still being sorted out, the subspecies "groenlandica" growing in alpine or subalpine regions in a variety of habitat across North America is considered native, while other subspecies are considered introduced. Feel free to post a comment about your experience with this amazing plant.