Dr. Strange Meets the Illuminati Fight Scene [No BGM] | Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness

Dr. Strange Meets the Illuminati Fight Scene [No BGM] | Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness

While searching for help, Doctor Strange and America Chavez are captured by Karl Mordo, the Sorcerer Supreme of Earth-838. Then Doctor Strange is presented to the Illuminati, a group consisting of Mordo, Peggy Carter (also known as Captain Carter), Blackagar Boltagon (or Black Bolt), Maria Rambeau (Captain Marvel), Reed Richards (a Fantastic Four member), and Charles Xavier. The Illuminati reveal that Earth-838's Strange, in a reckless attempt to defeat Thanos using their universe's Darkhold, inadvertently triggered an incursion that could destroy their universe. Following their victory over Thanos, the Illuminati made the difficult decision to eliminate their Doctor Strange to prevent further disaster. What do you think of the fight? Did you find any interesting facts in the scene? How would you rate the dialogue and the action? Do you have any suggestions or ideas? Share your thoughts with the world in the comments. I put the video in 4K, extracted the background music score, and removed the irrelevant parts of the scene to give you a new taste of the cinematic experience and help you focus thoroughly on CGI, SFX, and the acting. 0:00 | Karl Mordo Introduces the Illuminati Members 0:52 | Doctor Strange Warns the Illuminati About the Scarlet Witch Attack 1:25 | Charles Xavier Tells About Executing Their Doctor Strange 1:43 | Death of Earth-838's Doctor Strange 1:59 | Wanda Maximoff Enters the Illuminati Headquarters 2:14 | Charles Xavier Urges Doctor Strange to Escape 2:30 | Doctor Strange Fights Karl Mordo 3:23 | Doctor Strange Escapes the Illuminati 3:35 | More Scenes [Outro Music] Title: Depth Fuse Artist: French Fuse    • Depth Fuse   [The Original Movie] Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness Release date: May 6, 2022 Director: Sam Raimi Writer: Michael Waldron Stars: Benedict Cumberbatch, Elizabeth Olsen, Xochitl Gomez IMDB: 6.9 of 10 based on 469K users https://www.imdb.com/title/tt9419884/ © 2022 MARVEL © 2022 Disney Entertainment #DoctorStrangeintheMultiverseofMadness #DoctorStrange #Illuminati #ReedRichards #BlackBolt #CaptainCarter #CaptainMarvel #CharlesXavier #BaronMordo