Swelling in Legs During Pregnancy: Causes & Solutions by Dr. Pooja Mittal

Swelling in Legs During Pregnancy: Causes & Solutions by Dr. Pooja Mittal

Swelling in Legs During Pregnancy: Causes & Solutions by Dr. Pooja Mittal गर्भावस्था के दौरान पैरों में सूजन कई महिलाओं की आम समस्या है। इस वीडियो में मेदांता अस्पताल की सीनियर कंसल्टेंट डॉ. पूजा मित्तल इस स्थिति के पीछे के कारणों के बारे में बता रही हैं और असुविधा को कम करने के लिए प्रभावी उपाय बता रही हैं। जीवनशैली में बदलाव से लेकर सरल व्यायाम तक, जानें कि सूजन को कैसे नियंत्रित किया जाए और गर्भावस्था की यात्रा को कैसे सहज बनाया जाए। विशेषज्ञ की सलाह और सुझावों के लिए अंत तक देखें। Reasons 1 progesterone hormone 2 double blood volume 3 first trimester 4 second trimester 5 third trimester 6 increase tummy size Tips 1.Reduce Sodium Intake 2.Increase Potassium Intake 3.reduce coffee intake 4.Increase Water Intake 5.Stool Under Feet 6.Pillow Under Legs 7.Use Loose Comfortable Clothes 8 Walk 9.Leg Massage 10.Use comfortable shoes 11.Swimming अगर आपको यह वीडियो अच्छा लगा तो subscribe करना मत भूलिए धन्यवाद् #SwellingInPregnancy #LegSwellingRemedies #DrPoojaMittal #PregnancyTips #HealthyPregnancy #MedantaHospital #PrenatalCare #PregnancyHealth #MaternityCare #PregnancyJourney -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To know more about Dr. Pooja Mittal, Dr. Pooja Mittal, a seasoned OB-GYN, offers expert care for women's health. With 17+ years of experience and a focus on high-risk pregnancies and complex surgeries, she ensures the highest standards of care. Please click the link below For appointments please call : +91 8920744688 For Appointment link: https://rb.gy/ls2nnj YouTube :-    / @drpoojamittalgynecologist   Instagram:-   / drpoojamittalgynae   Facebook:-   / drpoojamittalgynecologist   Check out other related videos:    • Ovulation Induction क्या हैं? जानें D...      • Puberty & Menorrhagia: जानें Young Gi...      • Tips to prevent vaginal infections | ...      • How to count fetal movements? बेबी कि...      • Chemical Pregnancy क्या होती है? Lear...      • एंडोमेट्रियोसिस क्या होता है? What is...      • पीरियड्स में ज्यादा bleeding क्यों हो...      • C Section or Normal Delivery के बाद क...      • Fibroids क्या होते हैं ? | कैसे Diagn...      • Best Time For Pregnancy Test  | प्रेग...      • Endometriosis & Infertility (एंडोमेट्...      • Pregnancy में SONOGRAPHY करना बच्चे क...   swelling in legs during pregnancy, causes of leg swelling in pregnancy, remedies for pregnancy leg swelling, Dr. Pooja Mittal tips, Medanta Hospital pregnancy care, pregnancy health expert advice, how to reduce leg swelling during pregnancy, pregnancy leg care tips, managing edema in pregnancy, swelling remedies for pregnant women, foot and leg swelling in pregnancy, pregnancy-related swelling solutions, dealing with leg discomfort during pregnancy, expert advice on pregnancy swelling, best tips for pregnancy leg care, reduce swelling during third trimester, pregnancy care with Dr. Pooja Mittal, how to stay healthy during pregnancy, managing blood circulation during pregnancy, leg exercises for pregnant women, natural remedies for pregnancy swelling, Medanta Hospital consultation for pregnancy, high-risk pregnancy care tips, understanding pregnancy symptoms, best doctor for pregnancy swelling, safe home remedies for pregnant women, pregnancy wellness guide, how to stay active during pregnancy, tips to avoid swelling in pregnancy, Dr. Pooja Mittal's expert advice, pregnancy advice from Medanta Hospital, effective ways to reduce pregnancy discomfort, tips for healthy blood flow during pregnancy