Bank Nifty 28/02/2025 SL hunting trade.#nifty #bankniftytrading #trader #stoploss #smartmoney
Daily trading video in Nifty50 and Bank Nifty. Trading based on smart money concept & stop loss hunting, price action, technical analysis like support, resistance, major levels, trend lines, break outs, break downs, candle and chart patterns etc. Theses videos are uploaded to provide you a perspective regarding the derivatives trading and important concepts of the same. These videos are provided so that you can learn from the experiences & mistakes of others and cut short your journey to become a profitable trader. DISCLAIMER: I am not SEBI registered. These videos are only for information and educational purposes and should be taken in same spirit. All the views/information provided provided here are my personal views and you may differ from the same. Please do not make any investment or trading decision solely based on the information provided in these videos and should do your own analysis and research. You should also consult your financial advisor before making any decision related to trading or investment. Please keep in mind that 90% of the traders trading in the derivative markets are in loss. Please read the SEBI circular regarding the same. In no way, whatsoever, I will be responsible for any profit or loss you may suffer by trading in stock market. Risk Disclosures on derivatives by SEBI 9 out of 10 individual traders in the equity Futures and Options Segment, incurred net losses. On an average, loss makers registered net trading losses close to ₹50,000. Over and above the net trading losses incurred, loss makers expended an additional 28% of net trading losses as transaction costs. Those making net trading profits, incurred between 15% to 50% of such profits as transaction costs.