Sunday Morning Service - October 22,  2023 Holiday Island Presbyterian Church -

Sunday Morning Service - October 22, 2023 Holiday Island Presbyterian Church -

Sunday: October 29, 2023 Dennis Ritchie WELCOME/ANNOUNCEMENTS: Sallie Pittman INTROIT: Choir CALL TO WORSHIP: L: Lord, you have been our dwelling place throughout all generations. P: In you we come home- to rest, to wrestle, to love, to be loved. We dwell with you. L: Before the mountains were born, before you delivered the whole world, from everlasting past to everlasting future, you are God. P: In you, we are home- we dream, we flourish, we fade, we rejoice. We dwell in you. PRAYER OF ADORATION: Loving God, you not only welcome us, you receive us into yourself. Give us courage to be so open to others, to let them become so dear to us, that we might share not only your gospel but also our lives. through Christ, who makes room for us all. Amen *HYMN: I Want to Be as Close to You 736 *CALL TO CONFESSION: Our spirits are like new grass: at the dawn they spring up fresh, but by sunset they dry up and wither, blown away by spiritual death. Let us confess our frailty before our merciful God. *PRAYER OF CONFESSION: Lord, we confess: we do not live as those worthy to be entrusted with the good news of your grace; we relate to others callously as though we do not trust that gospel ourselves; we seek to please and manipulate, using flattery to gain praise and distinction; we use condescension as a mask to cover insecurity or a need for power. Our motives are mixed, impure. Lord, reassure and cleanse us, in Jesus name. Amen. SILENT CONFESSION: *ASSURANCE OF PARDON: Beloved ones, believe again the gospel, that in Christ we are accepted as we are. Believe that we are forgiven, loved with the delight of a nursing mother cherishing her child. Believe that we are the church, the body of Christ, called to love one another as gentle children of God. *PASSING THE PEACE: (You are invited to Pass the Peace in a manner you deem as comfortable.) *GLORIA PATRI: SCRIPTURE: Psalm 90:1-6, 13-17 and Deuteronomy 34:1-12 PRAYER OF ILLUMINATION: Lord Jesus, your understanding of Scripture astonished and humbled all around you. Send your Spirit to illumine this Word that our understanding and wisdom may be increased. Amen. SERMON: Unimpaired Eyes Dennis Ritchie *AFFIRMATION OF FAITH: Jesus Christ is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation; in him all things in heaven and on earth were created, things, visible and invisible. All things have been created through him and for him. He himself is before, all things and in him all hold together. He is head of the body, the church; he is the beginning, the firstborn of the dead, so that he might come to have first place in everything. For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, and through him God was pleased to reconcile all things, whether on earth or in heaven, by making peace thru the blood of his cross. Amen. LITANY OF REMEMBERANCE AND PRAYER: Chip Cartwright Thaddeus Motyka Lillian Due Clarence Razer Barbara Honn Guy Razer Arthur Hoyt Archie Ryan Edward Menendez Peter Todsen HYMN: For All the Saints 326 JOYS AND CONCERNS: PRAYER OF THE PEOPLE/THE LORD’S PRAYER: MISSION STATEMENT: Our mission is to proclaim and demonstrate the inclusiveness of God’s love to the people of the Ozarks and the needy of the world. INVITATION TO SHARE: Trusting in God’s providence, we share not only the gospel of God but our lives as well. God’s tithes and our offerings will now be received. OFFERING: (Offerings may be made on the church’s website or mailed to the church.) OFFERTORY/ANTHEM: Choir *DOXOLOGY: OFFERTORY PRAYER: Holy God, we offer these gifts to you. May your favor be upon them and prosper the labor of our hands, that your glorious power may be manifest to all, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. *HYMN: Holy God, We Praise Your Name 4 *CHARGE AND BENEDICTION: *POSTLUDE: