Sierra Chart - Programming ACSIL Custom Studies C++

Sierra Chart - Programming ACSIL Custom Studies C++

Okie dokie! In the wake of two losing days in a row, I took the opportunity to program my first ever ACSIL C++ Custom Study for Sierra Chart. I have posted the code below in the Pinned Comment for those that would like to use / edit to their own needs. I hope it helps! 0:00 - Introduction 0:44 - Custom Study Review 6:45 - Summary My name is Dan with Optimistic Trading, and this is my 2x3x Daily Trade Review, where I take 6-minutes to review the trades taken for today - September 3rd, 2024. This is the ES (S&P) Futures Market. 🎙 Let's Talk Trading (not selling anything) - 💸 Why I trade with Apteros Trading: This is going to be the best trading... ever. Disclaimer: All funds demonstrated here are SIMULATED. The information contained is solely for entertainment purposes, and does not constitute any investment advice. The risks of trading securities, Forex, and the futures market can be substantial. You should carefully consider if engaging in such an activity is suitable to your own financial situation. The individuals in this video are not responsible for any liabilities arising as a result of your market involvement or individual trade activities.