Christians, The Bible Says Avoid These People | Billy Graham
Christians, The Bible Says Avoid These People | Billy Graham In this powerful motivational speech, Billy Graham delivers a life-changing message on the importance of discerning the company we keep. The Bible warns us about certain influences that can lead us astray, and in this sermon, you’ll discover who to avoid and how to stay firm in your faith. billy graham billy graham sermons billy graham classics billy graham message billy graham sermon billy graham speech billy graham preaching billy graham testimony billy graham motivation billy graham inspiration billy graham god billy graham messages billy graham preach billy graham chapel billy graham christmas message second coming of jesus christ billy graham bible billy graham short message billy graham classic billy graham motivational speech 🔥 Why Should You Watch? Many Christians struggle with negative influences that hinder their spiritual growth. Billy Graham, one of the greatest evangelists of all time, shares biblical wisdom on recognizing toxic relationships, false teachers, and ungodly influences that can pull you away from God’s path. If you want to strengthen your faith, grow spiritually, and walk closer with Christ, this message is for you! ⏳ Timestamps: 00:00 – Introduction 🔥 01:35 – The Importance of Biblical Discernment 📖 04:50 – Who the Bible Says to Avoid ❌ 08:20 – The Influence of Bad Company 🛑 12:45 – Staying Rooted in God’s Word 🌱 16:10 – How to Guard Your Faith 🛡️ 19:45 – Closing Words of Encouragement 🙏 #grahamword #billygraham , #christianmotivation , #bibleteaching , #faithjourney , #spiritualgrowth , #godsword , #christianlife , #jesussaves , #biblicalwisdom , #holyspirit , #AvoidBadCompany, #walkbyfaith , #prayerlife , #christianencouragement , #godsplan , #trustgod , #jesusislord , #christianfaith , #TruthOfTheBible, #dailyinspiration , #staystronginfaith , #christianliving , #overcomingtemptation , #righteousliving , #AvoidNegativeInfluences, #biblicaltruth , #heavenlywisdomanddiscernment , #EndTimesMessage, #liveforchrist , #stayclosetogod Billy Graham, Christian motivation, Bible teaching, spiritual growth, faith in God, Christian life, avoid bad company, biblical wisdom, godly living, Holy Spirit guidance, Jesus Christ teachings, prayer life, righteousness, overcoming temptation, biblical truth, salvation message, trust in God, gospel message, Christian encouragement, spiritual warfare, daily inspiration, God’s plan, Christian discernment, warning from the Bible, wisdom from scripture, avoiding temptation, staying in faith, truth of the gospel, end times warning, live for Christ, follow Jesus BillyGraham,ChristianMotivation,BibleTeaching,FaithJourney,SpiritualGrowth,GodsWord,ChristianLife,JesusSaves,BiblicalWisdom,HolySpirit,AvoidBadCompany,WalkByFaith,PrayerLife,ChristianEncouragement,GodsPlan,TrustGod,JesusIsLord,ChristianFaith,TruthOfTheBible,DailyInspiration,StayStrongInFaith,ChristianLiving,OvercomingTemptation,RighteousLiving,AvoidNegativeInfluences,BiblicalTruth,HeavenlyWisdom,EndTimesMessage,LiveForChrist,StayCloseToGod, Disclaimer: This channel is not officially associated with Billy Graham, the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, or his estate. The content shared here is inspired by the sermons, teachings, and messages of Billy Graham, with the intention to encourage, uplift, and strengthen faith in Christ. All views expressed are those of the creator and do not reflect the official views of Billy Graham or his family. For a deeper exploration of his teachings, please refer to his original sermons, books, and resources.