Here are the top 5 most disgusting foods you can eat!

Here are the top 5 most disgusting foods you can eat!

Balut "A boiled duck egg… but inside is a nearly developed duck embryo! It is a popular snack in the Philippines, especially with alcohol, but its appearance can be quite shocking!" Surströmming "Known as the smelliest food in the world! It is fermented herring from Sweden, and when you open the can, an extremely strong odor spreads instantly. In some places, opening it in public is even banned!" Hákarl "A traditional Icelandic dish! It is made from fermented shark, which contains toxins. The strong ammonia smell makes it feel like… you are cleaning a toilet while eating!" Casu Marzu "This cheese is full of live maggots! It is a specialty of Sardinia, Italy, but officially banned from being sold. A truly rare and extreme delicacy!" Frog Juice "A drink sold in markets in Peru that is believed to boost stamina! A live frog is blended into a juice and then consumed. Would you dare to try it?"