Asspressions How To: EXTERNAL/ INTERNAL Pet Anal Gland Expression Methods

Asspressions How To: EXTERNAL/ INTERNAL Pet Anal Gland Expression Methods

BUY NOW!!! 3 kits $14.99. The PAGE System is THE ULTIMATE SOLUTION! "How to" step by step video by Asspressions demonstrating how to perform internal pet anal gland expression before using the PAGE (Pet Anal Gland Expression) System at home. This method is preferred and performed by the majority of Veterinarians. Buy on Amazon: You won't want to express your dog's anal glands without the PAGE System! The PAGE System is made for the Do-It-Yourself Pet Parent who's not afraid to take care of a recurrent, frustrating, and smelly issue. The PAGE System offers Pet Parents the tools, knowledge, and confidence to perform a task that they never thought they could do on their own at home. The PAGE System includes all materials necessary for expressing and disposing of anal glands secretions in a quick and contained system. We get it... no one wants to express their Pet's anal glands. Our Mission, at Asspressions, is to Equip, Educate, and Encourage Pet Parents to take a proactive role in keeping their Pet Healthy, Happy, & Comfy. For more information about Asspressions and purchasing the PAGE System, visit our website: