8 Ways Rich People AVOID Paying Taxes

8 Ways Rich People AVOID Paying Taxes

Welcome to our channel. In this video, we will talk about the 8 ways rich people avoid paying taxes. So, the more you earn, the more taxes you pay? No way. The wealthy have many ingenious ways to reduce their taxes. Here are eight of the most effective ways to avoid taxes. Here we will show how rich people avoid paying taxes. Number 8. Income from wealth and income from work are taxed differently. Number 7. Wealth can be translated into spending money without being taxed. Number 6. Rich people hire lobbyists and lawyers devoted to keeping their taxes low. Number 5. Charitable donations Number 4. Increasing equity exposure, managing gains. Number 3. Managing assets like a business Number 2. Estate and gift exemptions Number 1. Defined-benefit plan #MoneyMindset