The Lord is compassionate and gracious Psalm 103 Seventh Sunday Ordinary Time Year C - Score+Lyrics
©VariationMusicLibrary @ Johannesburg Seventh Sunday Ordinary Time Year C – 20th of February 2022 - Responsorial Psalm (Psalm 103:1-2.3-4.8 and 10.12-13 (R.8a) R/ The Lord is compassionate and gracious Bless the Lord, O my soul, And all within me, his holy name. Bless the Lord, O my soul, And never forget all his benefits. R It is the Lord who forgives all your sins, Who heals every one of your ills, Who redeems your life from the grave, Who crowns you with mercy and compassion. R The Lord is compassionate and gracious, Slow to anger and rich in mercy. He does not treat us according to our sins, Nor repay us according to our faults. R As far as the east is from the west, So far from us does he remove our transgressions. As a father has compassion on his children, The Lord’s compassion is on those who fear him. R Violinist/Organist/Composer : PsalmistPeter Vocalist : PsalmistPeter Follow me on Facebook : / psalmistpeter-104364235212177 Please subscribe to my Youtube Channel for easy access to the weekly responsorial psalm: / @psalmistpeter-peterekeuba9731 Available for any performance - Wedding, funeral, corporate Contact Peter +27 78 402 8474 #Psalm103 #TheLordIsCompassionateAndGracious #seventhsundayordinarytime #7thsundayordinarytimeyearC #20thFebruary2022 #saveusLord #letyourfaceshineonus #oursavior #JesusisKing #ScoreandLyrics #IloveyouLord #catholicresponsorialpsalm #responsorialpsalm #composer #psalmistpeter #powerfulpsalms #variationmusiclibrary #catholicpsalm #psalter #weeklyresponsorialpsalm #sundayresponsorialpsalm #RP #southafrica #psalm #YearC #maythelordblessus #bibleverse #wordforword #advent #adventtime #memorizescripture #psalm #cycleC #catholic #catholicartist #newmusic #singersongwriter #musician #christian #scripture #psalms #responsorialpsalm #modernpsalms #sheetmusic #bibleverse #scriptures #wordofGod #delivermeolord #psalmofdavid #godhelper #godmiracleworker #nigerian #godisgreat #praisethelord #blessingofgod #WhatgreatdeedstheLordworkedforusIndeedwewereglad #GodOurFather #GodOurMiracleGod #Godprovidesforhischildren #Godismerciful #GodisLove #merecifullove #fillusLord #ordinaryTime #OrdinarytimeyearC