TEKKEN™7 season3 파쿰람 기본콤보 카운터 시동 Fahkumram Basic Combo start with counter launcher
커맨드 읽는법 (How to read Commend) 7 8 9 ↖ ↑ ↗ lp:왼손, Left Punch / rp:오른손, Right Punch 4 n 6 ← n → lk:왼발, Left Kick / rk:오른발, Right Kick 1 2 3 ↙ ↓ ↘ ap:양발, All Punch / ak:양손, All Kick [ ] : 따닥 입력, Slide input (Moves must be done IMMEDIATELY after the other) (J): 저스트, Just input (S):스크류, Spin in air (C):카운터, Counter hit WS: 기상, Do move While standing up (Returning the stick to neutral from a crouch) +: 동시입력 input same time ( Moves must be done together) 커맨드(Combo Commend) 3lp[rklp] 2nd hit C 2 3lk C 4lp-3lp[rplp]-lk[rkrk]-66-3lp[rklk]rp