⚽️Soccer Foul Elbow to the FACE! Yellow Card, Red Card, or None?

⚽️Soccer Foul Elbow to the FACE! Yellow Card, Red Card, or None?

Tayden's Surf Soccer Team had another game and they played a tough team! Tayden got pretty beat up during this game and even got an elbow to the head. Do you think the Ref made the right call? Or do you think there should've been a Yellow Card or Red Card given? Let us know in the comments below! SUBSCRIBE to DYCHES FAM click here ✅: https://www.youtube.com/user/joshdych... ⇨ Follow us on Instagram:   / dychesfam   ⇦ Dyches Fam Merch👕👚: https://teespring.com/stores/dychesfam Dyches Fam 💯Most Popular Videos📼:    • DYCHES FAM VIRAL & MOST POPULAR VIDEOS!   #soccer #kidssports #foul ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• © DYCHES FAM LLC 2014-2018