Another reaction from our "90's Baby!!" movie series! A FAST-PACED, GRISLY, FUNNY, AND ROMANTIC CLASSIC ALL ROLLED INTO ONE! True Romance (1993) Reaction, Recap, Review! Join Pete and Chris as they watch another cult classic action/romance flick from the early 90s. A comic-book nerd and Elvis fanatic, Clarence (Christian Slater), and a prostitute named Alabama (Patricia Arquette) fall in love in a most unusual circumstance. Clarence breaks the news to her pimp, Drexl (Gary Oldman), that she intends to leave the business and ends up killing him. As he flees Drexl's place, Clarence grabs what he thinks is Alabama's suitcase of clothes, which turns out to be full of cocaine instead. The two hit the road for California hoping to sell the cocaine, but the mob is soon after them. This movie was a perfect marriage of styles between writer Quentin Tarantino (Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, Inglourious Bastards) and director by Tony Scott (Tony Scott, Crimson Tide, Deja Vu). Tarantino, who was just beginning his iconic career as a director, actually sold his script for True Romance in order to finance his first movie, Reservoir Dogs. Mark Kermode from the Observer (UK) hails this movie as "the best film Quentin Tarantino never made." True Romance features a star-studded ensemble (including Gary Oldman, Christopher Walken, Dennis Hopper, Brad Pitt and more!) that may only be on the screen for a short time, but they leave a lasting impact long after the movie is over. I believe that's a credit to both great acting and brilliant writing. A special shoutout to the team at Praper HQ for editing this reaction! Link below. #trueromancemovie #christianslater #patriciaarquette #quentintarantino #garyoldman #christopherwalken #dennishopper #bradpitt #michaelrapaport #jamesgandolfini #bronsonpinchot #samuelljackson #valkilmer #tonyscott #moviereaction #moviereactionvideos #firsttimewatching #actionmovies #90smovies #xennial #romancemovies ========= 0:00 Introduction - Like, Subscribe, Share!! 1:50 True Romance Reaction 45:08 Final Thoughts and Rating ========= PREVIOUS MOVIE REACTIONS 90'S BABY!! SERIES: TREMORS: • 100 SUBSCRIBERS!!! Xennials FTW | TRE... REMEMBER THE 80'S SERIES: THE ADVENTURES OF BARON MUNCHAUSEN: • Xennials FTW | THE ADVENTURES OF BARO... THE THING: • Xennials FTW | THE THING (1982) MOVIE... BETTER OFF DEAD: • Xennials FTW | BETTER OFF DEAD (1985)... DIE HARD: • Xennials FTW | Ep. 12 DIE HARD (1988)... KILLER KLOWNS FROM OUTER SPACE: • Xennials FTW | Ep. 11 MOVIE REACTION!... THE GOONIES: • Xennials FTW | Ep. 10 MOVIE REACTION!... GAMING-RELATED REACTIONS THE LAST OF US (2023) EP. 1: • Xennials FTW | THE LAST OF US (2023) ... THE LAST OF US (2023) EP. 2: • Xennials FTW | THE LAST OF US (2023) ... THE LAST OF US (2023) EP. 3: • Xennials FTW | THE LAST OF US (2023) ... THE LAST OF US (2023) EP. 4 & 5: • Xennials FTW | THE LAST OF US (2023) ... PLAYLISTS: / @xennialsftwreacts Head Editor: https://www.instagram.com//praperhq/?... Co-editors: Pete Cho and Byron Pegg Title card design by Arianna Kittelson Arianna's X(Twitter) - / akaark_ @Akaark_ Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. No copyright infringement intended. ALL RIGHTS BELONG TO THEIR RESPECTIVE OWNERS