Neon Glowing Shoes Photo Effect in photoshop cc 2023 | Adobe Photoshop tutorial 2023 |

Neon Glowing Shoes Photo Effect in photoshop cc 2023 | Adobe Photoshop tutorial 2023 |

In this tutorial, we will learn how to create a neon glowing shoes photo effect in Photoshop. This effect will make your shoes look like they are glowing with neon lights, perfect for a fun and eye-catching social media post or advertising campaign. To start, open the image of your shoes in Photoshop. Duplicate the layer by pressing Ctrl + J (Windows) or Command + J (Mac). We will work on the duplicated layer to keep the original image intact. Next, create a new layer by clicking on the "New Layer" icon at the bottom of the Layers panel. Set the layer's blend mode to "Overlay" and check the "Fill with Overlay-neutral color (50% gray)" option. Now, go to Filter - Other - High Pass and set the radius to around 10 pixels. This will enhance the details of the image and make the neon effect more prominent. Create another new layer and set its blend mode to "Screen". Select the Brush tool and choose a bright neon color. Paint over the areas of the shoes that you want to appear as glowing. You can adjust the brush size and opacity as needed. Duplicate the neon layer by pressing Ctrl + J (Windows) or Command + J (Mac). Go to Filter - Blur - Gaussian Blur and set the radius to around 10 pixels. This will create a soft, blurred glow around the neon areas. To make the neon effect even more pronounced, create another new layer and set its blend mode to "Color Dodge". Paint over the neon areas again with a brighter, more saturated neon color. You can adjust the brush size and opacity as needed. Finally, add some finishing touches to the image. You can adjust the brightness and contrast using Levels or Curves. You can also add some text or graphics to make the image stand out even more. And that's it! With these simple steps, you can create a neon glowing shoes photo effect in Photoshop that is sure to catch the eye of your audience. Social Media: Youtube:    / @uchlzg2oskaz.  . Faceboook:   / moc222   Instagram:   / creation2mo   Twitter:   / mo_creation1   Tiktok:   / mo_creation1   Credit: Image link: Mo Tutorial,Photoshop,neon effect photoshop,glow effect,photoshop glow effect,glow effect photoshop,adobe photoshop,glow effect photoshop