What Butterfly Weed (Asclepias tuberosa) Looks Like in Each Season
Learn what Butterfly Weed (Asclepias tuberosa) looks like in every season of the year. See foliage, blooming growth, flowers, seed pods, and browned stalks. Also, you will get to learn a few interesting things about Butterfly Weed and their pollinators. All video and images by Native Flower Power channel creator. Nail polish seen: “Stardust” by Emily de Molly (https://www.emilydemolly.com.au/) “Moriarty” by Scofflaw Nail Varnish Manufactory (https://scofflawvarnish.com/) “Black Dahlia” by Black Dahlia Lacquer (https://www.blackdahlialacquer.com/) “All Hail the Queen” by butter LONDON (https://www.butterlondon.com/) "Anomaly" by Live Love Polish (https://www.livelovepolish.com/)