The Believer's Identity - Sermon Excerpt by Apostle Grace Lubega

The Believer's Identity - Sermon Excerpt by Apostle Grace Lubega

#Phaneroo #ApostleGraceLubega #PhanerooOnlineService Apostle Grace Lubega while preaching at Worship Harvest Ministries, Kampala during the end of their 21 Day Season of Prayer and Fasting. You can watch the full sermon here:    • Season 21 | Day 20 | Apostle Grace Lu...   You can download the Phaneroo App for more sermons and worship sessions free from the Man of God. Android:​ iOS:​ Subscribe to ‪@phaneroo‬ to catch all our Sunday and Thursday Service Livestreams.​   / phaneroo​     / phanerookampala​     / phanerookampala​   Be Blessed, Share and Subscribe!