Praise the Lord, who raises the poor from the dust - Psalm 113 - 25th Sunday Ordinary Time Year C
25th Sunday Ordinary Time Year C - Psalm 113:1-2.4-6.7-8 (R.1a,7a) R: Praise the Lord, who raises the poor from the dust. 1.Praise, O servants of the Lord, praise the name of the Lord! May the name of the Lord be blest both now and forevermore! R 2.High above all nations is the Lord, above the heavens his glory. Who is like the Lord, our God,+ who dwells on high, who lowers himself to look down+ upon heaven and earth? 3.From the dust he lifts up the lowly, from the ash heap he raises the poor, to set them in the company of princes, yes, with the princes of his people. R Alleluia 2 Corinthians 8:9 Though Jesus Christ was rich, yet for you sake he became poor, so that by his poverty you might become rich. Alleluia Composer/Vocalist : PsalmistPeter Follow me on Facebook : / psalmistpeter-104364235212177 Please subscribe to my Youtube Channel for easy access to the weekly responsorial psalm / @psalmistpeter-peterekeuba9731 Available for any performance - Wedding, funeral, corporate Contact Peter +27 78 402 8474 #Psalm113 #PraisetheLordwhoraisesthepoorfromthedust #catholicresponsorialpsalm #25thSundayOrdinaryTimeYearC #jesus #powerfulpsalms #responsorialpsalm #southafrica #JesusourSaviour #Jesusraisethepoor #jesuslovesyou #jesussaveslives #psalter #sundayresponsorialpsalm #praisethelord #catholicresponsorialpsalm #responsorialpsalm #composer #psalmistpeter #powerfulpsalms #variationmusiclibrary #catholicpsalm #psalter #weeklyresponsorialpsalm #sundayresponsorialpsalm #RP #southafrica