[4K HDR] Andong Cherry Blossoms in Hahoe Folk Village and more | Virtual Korea 안동 하회마을 벚꽃길 걷기

[4K HDR] Andong Cherry Blossoms in Hahoe Folk Village and more | Virtual Korea 안동 하회마을 벚꽃길 걷기

#HahoeVillage #Andong #CherryBlossoms #2021제1회SBA크포 안녕하세요! Annyeong-haseyo! Happy Thursday!! 👋🇰🇷 (ENG) I traveled Andong last week, and I fell in love with Andong Hahoe Folk Village surrounded by cherry blossoms! ⟫ 5th April 2021, 3-4pm / Sunny / 18℃ (64℉) I came back with the good energy from old traditional houses and villages. Some houses still have descendants, so I walked around with care not to cause any damage. There weren't many people because it was daytime on weekdays, but I walked around the alley. I also rested on a riverside bench and on the floor of a traditional house. Walking along the cherry blossom road along the Nakdonggang River in Hahoe Village, I was so immersed in the beauty that I wondered if this was heaven. Hahoe Village is accessible by shuttle bus between the parking lot far from the entrance of the village and Hahoe Village. You can buy an entrance ticket at the ticket office first, take a shuttle bus and get off at Hahoe Village for about 15 minutes, and walk around the village from then on. Website ➜ http://www.hahoe.or.kr/ Hahoe Village was listed as Korea's 10th UNESCO and World Heritage Site in 2010 along with Yangdong Folk Village! Hahoe Village is a representative same-sex village in Korea where Poongsan Ryu family has lived for 600 years. It is also famous for the growth of Ryu Un-ryong and Ryu Seong-ryong brothers. Houses huddled around the Samsindang tree in the center of the village, and they are well preserved. The name of the village, Hahoe, is said to have originated from the Nakdonggang River's 'S' shape, which flows around the village. I looked around the cherry blossom road of Nakdonggang River, Mansongjeong pine forest, Hadong Historic House, Chunghyodang, and Samsindang tree. Please check the video. The Hahoe Village parking lot includes various restaurants, ticket office, and Hahoe Tal(Mask) Museum, so I recommend you to visit after looking around Hahoe Village. I visited Andong by electric car, and it was convenient to charge electric cars because there was an electric car charging facility in the parking lot. The kind cafe owner gave me coffee and a biscuit shaped like Hahoe mask, so I charged sugar power with them. Please check Instagram and Pinterest for detailed pictures. *I'll upload a video of you looking down from Buyongdae across the river on the next episode, so please look forward to it! Please support me with likes, subscriptions, and notifications! 👍 Let's all walk a lot and stay healthy. Happy walking! ➜ Please FOLLOW me on Instagram!   / virtualkorea​   ➜ Please support me for the better films! https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/zeitg... (KOR) 지난주 안동을 여행했는데, 벚꽃에 둘러싸인 안동 하회마을에 푹 빠졌다지요! ⟫ 2021년 4월 5일, 오후 3-4시 / 맑음 / 18℃ 오래된 전통가옥들과 마을이 주는 좋은 기운을 받고 돌아왔어요. 물론 지금도 몇몇 집은 후손들이 살고 있어서 피해를 주지 않도록 조심하며 걸어다녔어요. 평일 낮이라 사람이 많지 않았는데요, 골목을 걸어다니다가 강가 벤치에서 그리고 전통가옥 마루에서 쉬기도 했습니다. 하회마을 낙동강변의 벚꽃길을 걸으며 여기가 천국인가 싶을 정도로 그 아름다움에 흠뻑 빠졌어요. 하회마을은 마을 입구에서 멀리 떨어진 주차장과 하회마을을 오가는 셔틀버스를 타고 들어갈 수 있습니다. 매표소에서 먼저 입장권을 구매하고, 셔틀버스를 타고 15분을 달려 하회마을에 내리면 그때부터 걸어서 마을 내부를 돌아다닐 수 있어요. 홈페이지 ➜ http://www.hahoe.or.kr/ 하회마을은 2010년, 양동 민속촌과 함께 우리나라의 열 번째 UNESCO 및 세계 문화 유산으로 등재되었어요! 하회마을은 풍산류씨가 600여 년간 대대로 살아온 한국의 대표적인 동성 마을인데요, 류운룡・류성룡 형제가 자라난 곳으로도 유명해요. 마을 중앙에 있는 삼신당 느티나무를 중심으로 집들이 옹기종기 모여있는데, 잘 보존되어 있어요. 마을 이름이 하회(河回)인 것은 낙동강이 ‘S’자 모양으로 마을을 감싸 안고 흐르는데서 유래되었다고 해요. 낙동강 벚꽃길과 만송정 솔 숲, 하동고택, 충효당, 삼신당 느티나무 등을 돌아봤는데 영상에서 확인해 주세요~ 하회마을 주차장에는 하회장터, 각종 식당, 매표소, 하회 탈 박물관 등이 있으니 하회마을을 모두 둘러보신 후 방문하시는 것을 추천드립니다. 저는 전기차로 안동을 방문했는데, 주차장에 전기차 충전시설이 있어서 충전이 편리했어요. 친절한 카페 사장님이 하회탈 모양의 비스킷을 주셔서 커피와 함께 당충전을 했다지요. 자세한 사진은 인스타그램과 핀터레스트에서 확인해 주세요. *강 건너 부용대에서 내려다보는 영상도 바로 다음편에 올릴테니 기대해주세요! 영상에 좋아요와 구독, 알림 설정으로 응원을 부탁드려요! 👍 우리 모두 많이 걸으며 건강 유지해요~ 해피 워킹! Walking Deoksugung - Seoul Plaza 덕수궁 서울광장 청계광장 걷기    • [4K HDR] Walking from Deoksugung, Seo...   Yanghwa Han River Park 양화한강공원 멍때리기 ASMR    • [ASMR] Spacing out looking at the riv...   ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The Hahoe Folk Village (Korean: 안동하회마을) is a traditional village from the Joseon Dynasty. The 'Ha' is short for river and 'hoe' means to 'turn around, return, come back." The village is a valuable part of Korean culture because it preserves Joseon period-style architecture, folk traditions, valuable books, and an old tradition of clan-based villages. The village is located in Andong, Gyeongsangbuk-do. To the north of the village is Buyongdae Cliff while Mt. Namsan lies to the south. The village is organized around the geomantic guidelines of pungsu (Korean feng shui) and so the village has the shape of a lotus flower or two interlocking comma shapes. The village is listed by the South Korean government with UNESCO as a World Heritage Site with Yangdong Folk Village in 2010. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hahoe_F... ► Google Maps: https://goo.gl/maps/dJLd5RR8g1iHZXhM9 ► 네이버 지도: http://naver.me/5y4QDzAR ► Instagram:   / virtualkorea​   ► Contact: [email protected]