Bible in One Year Podcast Day 79 Judges 6, 7

Bible in One Year Podcast Day 79 Judges 6, 7

2 Brits & a Bible are two best mates who find joy and pleasure in reading the Bible and bringing forward their own takeaways and ideas. We are not theologians and speak only of our own experience and understanding. Our hope is that our commentaries encourage you to go and dig into the Word for yourself... To read along with us, download the YouVersion Bible App and find the Bible Project Whole Bible plan, or follow this link: Our Goal with this podcast is to encourage people to go to the Word and read the Bible for themselves. Today we’ll be covering Judges 6 & 7. Judges 6 - Israel does evil, serves Midian 7 yrs; angel of LORD appears to Gideon; Gideon destroys alter of Baal; God gives sign to Gideon. Judges 7 - Gideon gathers Israelite men to fight; men reduced to only 300 soldiers; God delivers Midian into hand of Gideon & Israel. If you have any questions, connect with us on Instagram:   / 2britsaandabible   visit our Facebook page:   / people   Or email us at [email protected] #Christian #BibleinOneYear #TheBible #TwoBrits #TwoBrits&aBible #podcast #buzzsprout