【愛Love】(4th Week of Advent-Day 24 降臨節第四周第二十四天)“路加福音 2:10-14;Luke 2:10-14” 晨光團契

【愛Love】(4th Week of Advent-Day 24 降臨節第四周第二十四天)“路加福音 2:10-14;Luke 2:10-14” 晨光團契

路加福音 2:10-14 那天使对他们说:“不要惧怕,我报给你们大喜的信息,是关乎万民的。 因今天在大卫的城里,为你们生了救主,就是主基督。你们要看见一个婴孩,包着布,卧在马槽里,那就是记号了。” 忽然有一大队天兵,同那天使赞美神说:“在至高之处荣耀归于神!在地上平安归于他所喜悦的人!” Luke 2:10-14 But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.” Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.” https://cgcm.org/advent2024/ 麻省華人福音堂2024待降節每日靈修禱告計劃 Advent 是將要來臨的意思。 待降節(Advent)是讓我們回想起兩千多年前耶穌以嬰孩的樣式降生於世的時刻。 待降節(Advent)也是讓耶穌現今以更有意義的方式進入我們的心中的時刻。 對於我們而言,待降節這段時間,可以看做是預備迎接聖誕的一段時間,而非只是一天的慶祝。在這時間當中,我們可以藉著每週在教會當中點燃的燭光,耶穌降生的慶祝,以及上帝使用如同我們一般普通的人,來傳講的不同凡響的聖誕故事,預備我們迎接耶穌的降臨。 傳統上,待降節開始於聖誕節前的第四個週日 (通常都是感恩節後的那個的週日),並且每週都會有一個專注的主題。今年教會仍將採用【Walking with Jesus: Devotions for Advent & Christmas】為每日靈修材料。 所選的四個主題如下: 12/1-7 盼望 Hope 12/8-14平安 Peace 12/15-21 喜樂 Joy 12/22-25愛 Love 誠摯地邀請並鼓勵福音堂的各位家人們,一起來參加這個預備迎接聖誕的禱告靈修與改變的計劃,讓我們每天從讀經、默想、靈修及禱告來與主同行,迎接聖誕並等候主的再來。 在每日清晨透過短視頻與教會的家人們,跟著靈修進度一起靈修,讓我們在這條靜候聖誕,等候主再來的路上不覺孤單,因為我們正一起往前迎接主耶穌。 願神祝福你的心志與委身 "陳牧師 11.25.2024 " Devotional Prayer Plan for CGCM Advent 2024 Advent means coming. It is a time when we reflect on the moment in history when Jesus came into the word as a baby two thousand years ago. It is also a time when we can allow Him to come into our hearts in more meaningful ways today. For all of us, Advent could be a time of preparation which provides an opportunity to experience Christmas---the glow of the candles, the celebration of the birth, and the beauty of the story of God using ordinary people in extraordinary ways---for more than a day. Traditionally, Advent begins the fourth Sunday before Christmas (usually right after Thanksgiving in November) and focuses on four themes. For this year, those themes are: 12/1-7 盼望Hope 12/8-14 平安Peace 12/15-21喜樂Joy 12/22-25愛Love This year, we will adopt “Walking with Jesus: Devotions for Advent & Christmas” to be our devotional resource. In every morning, there is one brother/sister of CGCM leading the devotion. I invite and encourage all my brothers and sisters at CGCM to join this Advent devotional praying plan to read, mediate, pray and walk in Christ every day. Let us have a different Christmas this year and prepare to walk with the Lord in the new year. Please save the playlist of Bible readings for the Advent and open the CGCM YouTube channel notification. New Bible reading videos will be released at 6am every morning. Pastor Chen 11.25.2024 Walking with Jesus: Devotions for Advent and Christmas Date Daily Scriptures Devotion Leader Notes 1st Week : Hope, Ps. 25:4-5 12/1 Is. 9:2 晨光 1 12/2 Is. 40:31 朝陽 2 12/3 2 Pe. 1:19 MetroWest 3 12/4 He. 11:1-2 更新 4 12/5 Jn. 8:12 姊妹 5 12/6 Is. 42:6-7 東區 6 12/7 Pr. 19:7 南區 7 2nd Week: Peace, Is. 54:10 12/8 2Pe. 1:2 廣東 8 12/9 Is. 9:6 長青/恩典 9 12/10 Rm. 5:1 English 10 12/11 Ph. 4:12 Youth 11 12/12 Jn. 14:27 晨光 12 12/13 Ps. 29:11 朝陽 13 12/14 Lk. 1:79 MetroWest 14 3rd Week: Joy, Ps. 5:11 12/15 Lk. 2:20 更新 15 12/16 1Th. 5:16-18 姊妹 16 12/17 1Jn. 3:1 東區 17 12/18 Is. 7:14 南區 18 12/19 Is. 55:12 廣東 19 12/20 Jn. 16:22 長青/恩典 20 12/21 Lk.1:45 English 21 4th Week: Love, Jh. 3:16 12/22 Phi. 2:5-11 Youth 22 12/23 Jm.1:17 23 12/24 Lk. 2:10-14 24 12/25 1Jn. 4:9 25 麻省華人福音堂證道存檔檢索 https://cgcm.org/sermon_filter/ 麻省華人福音堂CGCM Podcast(播客) https://cgcm.org/cgcm-podcast-online/ 歡迎奉獻來 一起參與我們的宣教事工(請注明多媒體事工) https://cgcm.org/donation/