[4K] 거제 섬꽃축제 🏵🌻🌼|가을 꽃전시회 | 가을 꽃축제|가을 꽃 2020|Geoje Island Flower Festival |

[4K] 거제 섬꽃축제 🏵🌻🌼|가을 꽃전시회 | 가을 꽃축제|가을 꽃 2020|Geoje Island Flower Festival |

제15회 거제섬꽃축제를 🌼가을꽃전시🌼 로 축소 운영하여 지친 일상, 휴식을 제공해드리려 합니다 잔디광장, 힐링허브랜드, 국화분재 작품전 등 여러 프로그램이 준비되어있어요~~ 📍기간: 2020 10 31 (토) ~ 11 08 (일) (9일간) 📍운영시간: 10:00 ~ 17:00 (*31일은 18:00까지) 📍장소: 거제시농업개발원 (거제시 거제면 거제남서로 3577) 📍입장료: 무료 자율관람 (식물원(정글돔) 입장료 별도) 📍문의: 거제시농업개발원 055 639 6421 Geoje Island Flower Festival ➡️🌹🌺🌳 Hello Evryone 👋👋 Geoje Island Flower Festival will be held at the Geoje-si Agriculture Development Complex in Geoje-si, Gyeongsangnam-do The festival will take on a culture and art theme with autumn flowers Main events include a chrysanthemum display, Healing Herb Land, autumn flower sculpture exhibition, themed flower hills, chrysanthemum items, test room of greenhouse, flowering tree examining office, warm region orchard, and more which is set for October 31 through November 08 #거제_섬꽃축제 #가을_꽃축제 #정글돔 Thank you for watching ❤