[기독교 홈스쿨링] 홈스쿨링 기초: 무엇으로 시작해야 할까요? 학교에서 가르치지 않는 것! 가장 중요한 한가지 Homeschool 101 - Start with this first

[기독교 홈스쿨링] 홈스쿨링 기초: 무엇으로 시작해야 할까요? 학교에서 가르치지 않는 것! 가장 중요한 한가지 Homeschool 101 - Start with this first

#홈스쿨링 #christian #homeschooling 안녕하세요~ 일본 도쿄에 살고 있는 삼남매 홈스쿨링맘입니다^^ 미국 캘리포니아에서 홈스쿨링을 시작해서 4년째 기독교 고전주의 교육 방법으로 12살,9살,5살 아이들을 홈스쿨링 하고 있습니다 Instagram: @susanhan_mitsui 저희가 사용하는 성경 공부 자료들입니다: For daily family devotions, I pick plans from YouVersion app and read them aloud and share and pray together as a family You can see a sample for each plan and I choose one that’ll work well for all three of my children The children do their own Quiet Time using daily Bible lessons from allinonehomeschool com I like to print them out and have them write answers on the paper rather than doing it online Our older one works on Level 5-8, while younger one does Level 1-4 They also write down Bible verses (one for younger, five in cursive from Psalms or Proverbs for older) We also do Summer Study during the summer with National Bible Bee, which includes Bible study as well as memorizing We’re not part of a host group or doing the competition, but just using the Summer Study material, which is really good It's really simple and all three of my children enjoy it There's a short registration open window, but you can purchase the pdf version for previous years They also work on memorizing larger passage from the Bible (For example, Psalms 136, Genesis 1, Ephesians 6, etc ), which they will add one or two verses a day to the previous one For younger ones, we try to learn it as a song I'm not too strict with this, but take time with it and I also try to memorize it along with them We also use Veritaspress com, where my son is enrolled in Omnibus class (Theology, Literature, History combined) It’s a self-paced online class, and is really good material Heavy reading and writing, but since it’s self-paced, you can pace it according to your child’s schedule (one or two lessons a week) Our 12 year old does one lesson a school day, sometimes wanting to do two They also have Bible class, which my daughter is using (and my youngest sitting by her side) All of my children really enjoy and love Veritas Only thing would be it’s not free (on the pricier side) and it's all online We're a part of Christian, Classical homeschooling community called Classical Conversations (CC) and this is our main study curriculum that we use Bible memorization (in English and Latin) is also a part of the study, and there's a lot of additional resources available on their website (CC connected) and bookstore classicalconversations com that we use It's harder and pricier to use the material if you're not part of the community I will talk about CC more in detail in another video :) Memoria Press also has really good Christian studies material! You'll notice that we use mostly classical, Christian material There's material available for all grades K-12 We also enjoy Saddlesback’s Stories of the Bible, and Bible Project, which you can watch on YouTube We also enjoy reading (and listening to the audio of) "Christian Heroes: Then and Now," learning about different missionaries and those of great faith In the past we used to do Awana, which our whole family loved I hope this helps! :) 🎵Music provided by 브금대통령 🎵Track : 소꿉친구 -