Investment Multiplier Numericals 10 to 29 |Macroeconomics | Class 12 | Chapter 8
Investment Multiplier Numericals 10 to 29 |Macroeconomics | Class 12 | Chapter 8 Investment Multiplier Numericals 10 to 29 | Income Determination and Multiplier | Macroeconomics Class 12 | Chapter 8 Thumbnail Image Designed By Freepik www.freepik.com Your Queries investment multiplier class 12 economics working of investment multiplier class 12 what is investment multiplier class 12 economics chapter 8 working of multiplier investment multiplier and it's mechanism multiplier mechanism in macroeconomics multiplier effect macroeconomics working of multiplier class 12 money multiplier macroeconomics class 12 Income determination class 12 economics 12th economics chapter 8 explanation Class 12th economics chapter investment multiplier Income determination and multiplier theory class 12 macro economics Sandeep Garg macroeconomics class 12 chapter 8 income determination and multiplier concept of investment multiplier multiplier and MPC investment multiplier numerical Questions 10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20-21-22-23-24-25-26-27-28-29 class 12 macro economics practicals on determination of equilibrium level macroeconomics class 12 determination of equilibrium level numericals chapter 8 class 12 macro economics Question 10. calculate MPC and multiplier (k) from the following data income 100 200 300 consumption 80 160 250 Question 11. the consumption function of an economy is given as c=40+0.8y. Calculate the total increase in income and consumption... Question 12. in an economy the investment expenditure is increased by rs 2000 crores. calculate the total increase in the income and consumption expenditure of ratio of marginal propensity to consume.... Question 13. in an economy people always consume half of any additional income and save the other half. Determine the additional income generated .... Question 14. in an economy with every increase in income 70 percent of the increased income is spent on consumption. Suppose a fresh investment of rs 300 crores... Question 15. if consumption function for an economy is given c=120+0.9y... Question 16. if consumption at zero level of income is rs 40 crores.... Question 17. it is planed to increase national income by rs 1000 crores. How much increase in investment.... Question 18. Calculate AD, AS for every level of income and the equilibrium level from the following schedule assuming that the investment is fixed at rs 40 crores... Question 19. calculate the aggregate demand AD, aggregate supply AS, for all levels and the equilibrium level of income from the given schedule.... Question 20. in a two sector economy the income and consumption functions are Y= c+I and c=50+0.80y... Question 21. the function of saving S is given to be S=-40+0.25Y... Question 22. the saving function of an economy is given as S=-50+0.4y... Question 23. the consumption function is expressed as c=100+0.25y... Question 24. the consumption function of an economy is given as c=200+0.75y... Question 25. in an economy the consumption function is c=600+0.9y... Question 26. in an economy S=-50+0.5y is the saving function... Question 27. in an economy c=300+0.8y and i= rs 500.... Question 28. the consumption function is given as c=75+0.75y and autonomous investment is rs 100 crore... Question 29. From the following data about an economy calculate a equilibrium level of national income b total consumption expenditure at equilibrium level of national income c=200+0.75y... #commerce #macroeconomics #studycirclesaritasharma #incomedeterminationandmultiplier #investmentmultiplier