Resident Evil 4 Remake 2023 4K- 60 FPS Chapter 1 Part 1 PC (Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1)
Hi All, Welcome to my channel, Make sure to like, share and subscribe Resident Evil 4 Remake 2023 4K- 60 FPS Chapter 1 Part 1 PC (Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1))#Mohammad Kaifee Gaming Follow me on Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/dagongaming... Loco Id :https : https://dl.loco.gg/p/NmA0pGd DATE = 27/04/2024 UPI : Follow the Mohammad Kaifee Gaming channel on WhatsApp: https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029VaE2... MY Discord : / discord Hello Everyone all of you are welcome to Mohammad Kaifee Gaming and I brought New game Resident Evil 4 Remake 2023 ABOUT GAME Resident Evil 4 is a remake of the 2005 game Resident Evil 4. It features "over-the-shoulder" third-person shooter gameplay similar to the original, while drawing other design aspects from the remakes of Resident Evil 2 (2019) and Resident Evil 3 (2020).[2] Resident Evil 4 features redesigned visuals, designed to create a tenser atmosphere, along with new character designs and backgrounds.[3][4] It offers six control schemes, including one styled after the original game.[5] Occasionally the player must solve puzzles in order to reach certain areas.[6] In some sequences, Leon must protect the president's daughter, Ashley. She uses a simpler health system than in the original, and can be instructed to stay close or far.[6] As in the original game, the player organizes their inventory with an attaché case. New to the remake, a crafting system enables the player to create items and ammunition using collected resources. The Merchant returns, allowing the player to buy, upgrade, and trade items while providing new side quests that can be completed during the main story.[7][8] Similarly to the original, the focus of combat is shooting enemies and reloading. However, Leon can now move and use weapons at the same time, allowing him to evade attacks while firing and reload while on the move. Leon can use melee attacks to injure enemies and push them away.[9][10] A new parrying mechanic allows him to block, counterattack, and kill downed enemies with his knife.[10][11] Unlike the original, Leon's knife has a durability meter; if broken, the player will have to speak to the Merchant to get it repaired or increase its durability.[12] Leon can carry multiple types of knives with various attributes.[13][14] Chat & Comment Rules :- ►Do not ask why got timed out. ►Don' t let anyone spoil your fun in chat and help in keeping the chat clean by reporting spammers/abusive trolls . ►No Spam, Self Promotion or Promoting Others. ►No discussion on Politics. ►Respect Moderators. ►No Racism/Profanity, Treat Each Other Humbly. ►No Trash Talking For other Youtubers/Streamers. #Mohammad Kaifee Gaming #tombraider #mission #DagonGaming #dagongaming #carryislive #MYTHPAT#LiveINSAAN Total Gaming #mortal #scoutbgmilive how to download resident evil 4 remake 2023 how to download resident evil 4 remake 2023 on pc how to play resident evil 4 remake in pc how to solve scroll lock and crystal lock resident evil 4 remake resident evil 4 remake 2023 resident evil 4 remake 2023 game resident evil 4,resident evil,resident evil 4 remake,resident evil 4 remake gameplay,resident evil 4 gameplay,resident evil 4 walkthrough,resident evil 4 remake ending,resident evil 4 hd,resident evil 4 longplay,resident evil 4 pc,resident evil 4 remake cutscenes,resident evil 4 ps5 4k 60fps gameplay,resident evil 4 ps5,resident evil 4 no commentary,resident evil 4 remake chapter 5,resident evil 4 playthrough,resident evil 4 ps5 gameplay