7 Nights In The Amazon Jungle
Play War Thunder on PC/Consoles: https://playwt.link/chrisdacow | Mobile: https://wtm.game/chrisdacow DONATE HERE ❤️: https://junglekeepers.org/fundraisers... Become a Junglekeeler🌿 GET A JUNGLEKEEPERS HAT 🧢: https://shop.chrisdacow.com/ YOU can help save millions of heartbeats in one of the last pristine rainforests on our planet! We all have the power to make a life-changing impact and join the Junglekeepers movement. Now is the time to take a stand and fight for our natural world! Special thanks to everyone on the Junglekeepers team for making this video possible! TRAVEL TO JUNGLEKEEPERS: https://www.altasanctuary.com/ Follow Paul: / paulrosolie This video is the beginning of many more impactful stories I want to share on YouTube with all of you and I hope you enjoy. Through stories like this I believe we can not only entertain but help make a positive impact with all of your help. BIG things are coming! As of now I have been on multiple planning calls with the U.S. Pentagon and various fighter pilots to do something never before seen on YouTube! I can’t wait for you all to see the big projects I have planned :) Follow Me Instagram: / chrisdacow TikTok: / chrisdacow Join my Discord! / discord Cinematography: Cole Durnwirth: / coledurncamera -Lead cinematographer Stephane Thomas: / thomasstephane -2nd cinematographer(Junglekeepers Director) Lifewithdan: / @lifewithdanng -Junglekeepers cinematographer Editing Team: Ted Southworth Niklas Distler Christopher Slayton (ChrisDaCow) Producer: Emanuele Maccotta