AP Chemistry Exam 2021: Free Response #1
This video contains a detailed explanation of how to approach and solve problem 1 of the 2021 AP Chemistry Exam, Free Response section. This question asks the students about important Student Learning Outcome in AP Chemistry and in General Chemistry: (1) the concept of weak acids and weak bases: how to set up an equilibrium constant (or a dissociation constant) of a weak acid and use the given value of a dissociation constant and combine with an ICE table to find the pH of the solution (2) the Lewis structure: it is very helpful to draw a Lewis structure of a molecular compound. Many of the students in AP Chemistry may want to have working in healthcare industry as their academic goal. They need to take Organic Chemistry for the purpose, Organic Chemistry uses a Lewis structure to explain a reaction mechanism and understand the reactivity of a chemical species. (3) The Ideal Gas Law: When gases are involved in a chemical reaction, students can apply the IGL to find an unknown information, which are many times number of moles of a gas (in this problem) or the volume of the container. This video shows an in-depth explanation of those concepts listed above. I hope this video helps students to be better prepared for taking the upcoming AP Chemistry Exam.