![All Collectibles, Chapters 33-39 New Game Plus! [THE LAST OF US 2] #28](https://krtube.net/image/uP_zJqS7VyQ.webp)
All Collectibles, Chapters 33-39 New Game Plus! [THE LAST OF US 2] #28
All collectibles are labeled and time stamped below for chapters 33 through 39 00:00 Chapter #33 The Shortcut 12:55 Artefact #1: Amputation Supplies 14:50 Coin #1: Nevada 16:30 Artefact #2: Survivor Plea 18:20 Artefact #3: Neighbour Exchange 19:30 Safe #1 24:05 Artefact #4: Scavenging List 24:50 Workbench #1 26:30 Coin #2: Colorado 29:00 Artefact #5: Seraphite Truce 32:20 Workbench #2 38:55 Artefact #6: Seraphite Orders Chapter #34 The Descent 44:10 Coin #1: Illinois 45:10 Safe #1 47:00 Artefact #1: Gym Safe Combo 48:00 Artefact #2: FEDRA Orders 55:40 Artefact #3: FEDRA Final Note 58:40 Weapon: Flamethrower 1:02:50 Coin #2: Oregon 1:09:40 Coin #3: Wisconsin 1:11:40 Coin #4: Rhode Island 1:15:15 Coin #5: Missouri Chapter #35 Ground Zero 1:20:25 Coin #1: Washington 1:22:20 Artefact #1: Annex Letter 1:23:20 Artefact #2: Soldier's Letter 1:24:15 Artefact #3: Chapel Note 1:25:45 Artefact #4: Patient's Note 1:27:00 Artefact #5: Doctor's Note 1:27:30 Workbench #1 1:41:35 Coin #2: Hawaii Chapter #36 Return to the Aquarium Has No Collectibles Chapter #37 The Marina 2:01:20 Coin #1: Kansas 2:02:40 Coin #2: Louisiana 2:05:25 Artefact #1: Marina Note Chapter #38 The Island 2:23:36 Coin #1: Idaho 2:24:30 Artefact #1: WLF Scout Journal 2:25:40 Coin #2: North Carolina 2:26:30 Artefact #2: Venison Distribution Note 2:37:15 Coin #3: Montana 2:41:05 Artefact #4: Mournful Prayer Note 2:41:45 Artefact #3: Young Seraphite's Journal 2:42:20 Workbench #1 Chapter #39 The Escape 2:58:10 Coin #1: Arkansas 3:07:40 Workbench #1 The Last of Us 2 has 286 Collectibles: 127 Artifacts, 20 Journal Entries, 48 Trading Cards, 32 Coins, 14 Safes, 8 Training Manuals, 25 Workbenches, 12 Weapons. The Artifacts are mostly text documents. Journal Entries require you to interact with certain places in the world. Trading Cards are exclusively found in the first half of the game and Coins exclusively in the second half. Safes require codes that you get from reading Artifact documents but are also shown in this guide. Training Manuals unlock new Skill Trees (2 unlocked automatically, 8 unlocked from Manuals). There are actually more possible Training Manual spawns than you need, if you miss one they will keep respawning in some extra spots. Workbenches allow you to craft weapon upgrades. Some weapons are found in the world while others come automatically. Supplements are used to buy new Skills (Player Upgrades). Scrap Parts are used as a material to upgrade all Weapons at Workbenches. None of the Collectibles are missable! You can get them via Chapter Select at any time. They also carry over into New Game+. You can keep track of your progress via Chapter Select in the Title Screen. ►Twitter: / rustydoesyt ►Instagram: / itsrustyphotography