Republic Services Sunday Morning Post Christmas Garbage Collection 2021

Republic Services Sunday Morning Post Christmas Garbage Collection 2021

Unable to catch up from the strike, I came home from seeing family on Christmas Eve around 10 PM to find full carts in my alley, which isn't normal because my garbage day is Friday. I heard that drivers would catch up on Sunday, but I wasn't sure if that was true since Sunday residential service is practically unheard of in SoCal. Sure enough, I got up early Sunday morning, and many garbage trucks showed up within an hour, most of which were from Gardena! As a driver put it, they did a "trash blitz" lol. To catch up, drivers from the Anaheim, Long Beach, and Gardena yards worked together to finish the Anaheim yard's Thursday and Friday residential routes from the previous week. In my area, Anaheim drivers did regular trash, except for a Gardena driver who did Amado's route, while Gardena drivers took care of everything else. It worked out very well, as all the routes in my area were finished before 1 PM. This is a compilation of all the garbage trucks that showed up to my area except for 2698 and 2785, and whoever did the 1st load of my yard waste route and Max's recycle route. Curotto Cans are some of my favorite garbage trucks, and I'd have to drive a bit to see 1, so to have 4 come to my area for the day was certainly a surprise. The only truck I filmed that will get its own video is 7435. Thanks to all the cool Gardena drivers for letting me film, and thanks to 7457's driver for the hard hat. Enjoy! 0:00-1:38 // 2408 - Saul - Trash 1:39-2:39 // 2610 - Trash 2:40-4:24 // 7449 - Yard Waste 4:25-6:25 // 7307 - Frank - Recycle 6:26-6:45 // 7457 - Jesus - Recycle 6:46-7:07 // 7435 - Recycle Date: December 26th, 2021 Location: Brea, California Copyright 2021 Garbage Truck Videography. All rights reserved.