Borderlands 4 New Details Revealed - Will It Be the Best Borderlands Game?

Borderlands 4 New Details Revealed - Will It Be the Best Borderlands Game?

After the official first look at Borderlands 4 I wanted to discuss the problems Borderlands 4 faces and whether it is currently setup for success. Borderlands 4 is not just another sequel but the biggest and most important Borderlands game to date. Can it deliver on 15 years of expectations and be remembered as the best game in the franchise, or will it fall victim to the same issues as its predecessors? Make sure to like and subscribe for more :) Check out my game store where every purchase supports the channel: Follow me on Twitter:   / spartangamezone   :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Wonderlands - Builds:    • Wonderlands // Builds   Item Showcases:    • Wonderlands // Item Showcases   Dedicated Drop Spots:    • Playlist   Lucky Dice Locations:    • Playlist   Borderlands 3 - Check Out All Underrated Borderlands 3 Weapons:    • Borderlands 3 Underrated Weapons   Find the Most Iconic Weapons in Borderlands History Here:    • Chronicles of Borderlands   Looking For a Sweet Borderlands 3 Build? Find it Here:    • Borderlands 3 Builds   Take a Look at All My Borderlands 3 Countdowns:    • Borderlands 3 Countdowns   Check Out the Best Borderlands 3 Weapons From Each Manufacturer:    • Borderlands 3 Weapon Brand Countdowns   The Top Borderlands 3 Weapons of Each Class in One Place:    • Borderlands 3 Weapon Class Countdowns