28 Feb 2025: For Alignment with Planetary Parade to awaken Satvik qualities for life
These series of guided visualisation and healing meditations is a product of the covid times. It started as part of the group healing process for covid patients and those suffering/ recovering from other physical, emotional, psychological ailments . The scope soon expanded to cover the lives of each of us to expand our horizons and focus on the awareness of who we truly are. The idea was to invoke the natural healing and expansion process by establishing a connect with the Divine in us. When attention and energy is focused on our core, the cleansing, clearing and aligning process happens seamlessly . The meditations touched on different topics . It also allows us to discover hidden parts of ourself which impact our life, bring them to light, heal and finally to complete ourself. In the loving acceptance of all our parts, without judgement, lies the freedom to be ourself. Being in integrity and authenticity, exploring and manifesting our uniqueness is the secret of our well being in every area of our life to which each one of us is naturally entitled to. My immense gratitude of each participant who made it possible . The meditation process became a morning ritual. Sharing it with others too, through this platform. Here is the link for you. You may subscribe and share !! Anita Sehgal Hypnotherapist, Regression therapist, Life coach, Transformation and Freedom Director 9312265718 [email protected] www.mindandbeyond.in