I Tried to Learn the Violin in 30 Days

I Tried to Learn the Violin in 30 Days

I tried the violin for 30 days. Final cover at 3:12. Instagram:   / kizebae   00:00 Training 03:12 Final Cover - - - - My other skill-learning videos: ►Saxophone🎷    • Learning How to Play the Saxophone in...   ►Drums🥁    • I Tried to Learn How to Play the Drum...   ►Contemporary Dance for 30 Days💃    • I Learned Contemporary Dance for 30 Days   - - - - WHO AM I? My name is Kize, and on this channel I try to learn a new skill for 30 days or less, as fast as possible. Subscribe to stay updated with future challenges: https://www.youtube.com/c/KizeBae?sub... This month I tried to learn how to play the violin for 30 days. #Violin #ViolinChallenge #KizeBae