The Gun For People Who Hate 9mm - Ruger Security 380

The Gun For People Who Hate 9mm - Ruger Security 380

Ruger Security 380 Review When I first saw the Ruger Security 380, I immediately phoned Ruger and asked them to send it to me. They hesitated and wondered why I wanted it, thinking that there wasn't anyone interested in it in my audience. But I knew different. The moment I saw the Ruger Security 380, I realized that it was the solution for all the people that I had talked to for years. No matter what I said or advice I gave them, they simply didn't want a gun in 9mm. Join MY Exclusive 2A Advocacy Text List while AUTOMATICALLY being entered in our monthly 2A Giveaways ➡️ Let's Go Brandon Merchandise ➡️ Get UnApologetically 2A Content In Short-Form On YouTube & Help Protect The Second Amendment ➡️ FREE BOOK - If I Only Had One Concealed Carry ➡️ PRO 2A Message Hats In Trucker, Dad, Snapback & More ➡️ Looking to help further our Pro Constitution, Pro 2A message, donate below: UnApologetically 2A Content Content On Other Platforms: Twitter -   / mrcolionnoir   Instagram -   / colionnoir   Facebook -   / colionnoir   Gab - Truth Social- Youtube Shorts - #FirstMag #ColionNoir