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Don't forget to Subscribe Our YouTube Channel: TONY OMILA

🥂😮?.Thank You Lord Jesus Christ and Mama Mary for everything. MY PASSPORT napo ako.❤️🙏.With the powerful intercession of St. Joseph and all the Saints and all the Angels. Sa akoang Family, of course , daghang salamat po. GOD BLESS US ALWAYS. AVE MARIA.🙏. Ingat. 7x.!. “Ask Jesus to make you a saint. After all, only He can do that. Go to confession regularly and to Communion as often as you can.” ~St. Dominic Savio~ Don't forget to Subscribe Our YouTube Channel:    / @tonyomila7x   #AttendHolyMassEveryday #PrayTheHolyRosaryEveryday #PrayTheChapletOfTheDivineMercyEveryday #BeASaint #BeACatholic #TrueChurch #PraisedBeJesusMaryAndJoseph #NowAndForever #Amen #ThankYouSoMuch #OurLadyOfTheImmaculateConception #MyPassport