Daily Devotion  February 26, 2025, Wednesday   Day 57

Daily Devotion February 26, 2025, Wednesday Day 57

Need Help? Ask God. Psalm 54 When we need help, we must humbly seek God, trusting in His power, not our own. Acknowledge our limitations and have faith that He will answer in His perfect time. Seeking God should be a daily habit, not just in times of trouble. Instead of relying on ourselves, we should depend on His grace. In return, we must give Him all the glory and offer our best in worship, for He alone deserves it.    • Daily Devotion  February 26, 2025, We...   https://christschurchinmakati.org/dai... #DailyInspirations #dailydevotion    • Daily Devotion  February 26, 2025, We...   In seeking God’s help for our needs, we must be more than willing to seek and accept help from our God because of our limitations. We must be humble and acknowledge the helper. Trust and have faith. In return, we must bring back all the glory and praise to our God. If we need help, we should seek God. We have limitations, and we can’t do anything. Rest assured, God will answer us in His time. Daily, we should seek help from God, not only when we are in need. We must not depend on ourselves, as we rely on God’s grace. We have to actively participate in praising God because God deserves the best from us.