10:30AM Contemporary Worship | Jacob: Wrestling with God

10:30AM Contemporary Worship | Jacob: Wrestling with God

Join us for 10:30AM Contemporary Worship as we kick off our summer sermon series The Good Book: Stories of Some Real Characters in the Bible. Parts of the Bible can seem intimidating and hard to understand, but the Bible is also full of wonderful stories that can help us explore who God is and who we are as people. This summer we’re looking at some wonderful stories from the Bible and the very real characters that make these stories come alive. We start this week with the Old Testament story of when a man named Jacob wrestled with God (doesn’t sound like a fair fight, but Jacob actually wins!). As we read that part of the Jacob’s story, which is a story of what a shyster he is, a story of parental favoritism, and a story of sibling rivalry. As always, as you join us online, we invite you to sing along with the music, participate in call and response liturgy, join us in prayer, engage in the sermon, and celebrate Holy Communion. Are you new or have updated contact info? Fill out our Connection Form: https://erlc.breezechms.com/form/68f8a3 Find the bulletin: https://www.elkriverlutheran.org/serm... Share prayer concerns at: https://www.elkriverlutheran.org/pray... Give online at: https://www.elkriverlutheran.org/give... Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE, License # A-731750