How I Reduced My Screen Time By 96.9%...(guide)
How I Reduced My Screen Time By 96.9%... Subscribe @sovanshthakur.07 If you liked this video, I post more in-depth stuff and more frequently on my newsletter. To Join - https://sovanshs-newsletter.beehiiv.c... TimeStamps: It's a very short video my friend - 0:00 watch it full - 0:45 you'll thank me later - 1:30 Tags for the algorithm (: how to REDUCE SCREEN TIME and break your SOCIAL MEDIA ADDICTION How to reduce your screentime by 85% in 58 seconds How I Reduced My Screen Time By 98%... This Video Will Save You 9+ Years Of Your Life In 6 Minutes How to break social media addiction and actually start living reducing my screen-time to 30 minutes a day how I reduced my screentime by 80% (guide) Inspired by Hamza, C7L, Iman Gadzhi, FarFromWeak. Inspired by Ruff, Luke Spurgeon, Rohit Iyer. #selfimprovement #hamza #selfdevelopment #dopaminedetox