Is a thick Red Discharge before periods considered normal? #AsktheDoctor

Is a thick Red Discharge before periods considered normal? #AsktheDoctor

Dr.Ritu Choudhary - MBBS, MS - Obstetrics & Gynecology Talk to a Doctor Now: Play Store: App Store: Is a thick red discharge before periods considered normal? Thick red discharge or white discharge or blood mixed discharge, before the commencement of the periods is completely normal. However, if the discharge carries a particular odor or smell then it is a cause for concern. Vaginal discharge is common and occurs during the menstrual cycle. Brown discharge which happens just before a period is generally considered harmless. It can sometimes indicate pregnancy or perimenopause. Brown discharge is vaginal discharge that contains blood. The blood is normally red however, near the completion of your cycle, the discharged blood gives it a red or brown color. Spotting or brown/red discharge occurs in the midst of your cycle or ovulation. This is continuously standard in young women who just start to have their periods, women starting contraception, or women nearing menopause. When you experience leaking between periods, you should see a specialist or gynecologist to assure it is not a symptom of other conditions. Few types of contraception can cause brown or red discharge during a period, or even between periods. For more info, talk to a gynecologist online on DocsApp. #WhiteDischarge #BrownDischarge #WateryDischarge #ThickWhiteDischarge #ExcessiveDischarge #DocsAppTv #DocAppDoctors #BaatTohKaro Follow us on: Facebook: | Instagram: Twitter: | Youtube: