Day 8  |  3:45 AM  |  Solemn Novena and Feast in Honour of St. Anthony of Padua in Tamil

Day 8 | 3:45 AM | Solemn Novena and Feast in Honour of St. Anthony of Padua in Tamil

The Novena in Honour of St. Anthony of Padua is conducted by the Franciscan Friars OFM at Our Lady of Good Counsel Church, Sion, Mumbai. From 4th to 12th June 2023. Feast of St. Anthony will be celebrated on 13th June 2023. Please see the time table for others Novenas during the day. You can send in your Thanksgiving and petitions and intentions to the Church Office. There will be only one live telecast of the Novena Mass at 6am. The Franciscan Friars together with the parishioners of Our Lady of Good Counsel Church Sion, Mumbai welcome you. Come to Sion and take abundant blessings of the Wonder Worker St. Anthony of Padua.