ASMR Reiki Session | Full Moon Release | Full Moon in Pisces

ASMR Reiki Session | Full Moon Release | Full Moon in Pisces

Hello my beautiful friends and welcome. Today's session is a Full Moon release, we will be releasing to the Full Moon in Pisces. I hope that you enjoy and I cant wait to hear how this session impacted your self. All my love forever and Always ✨️ 🌿 Laura 🌈 🧚‍♀️ Triggers Include: Hand movements, Flutters, close contact, channeled energy, gentle tapping, crystals, oils, the Full Moon. Intention & tools My intention for this ASMR Reiki Healing Energywork Session is to aid us in connecting to the Full Moon. Allowing us to release those energies that are no longer serving. Aiding us in grounding in this moment and finding the alignment and balance we need to move forward into this new Eclipse Cycle, into this Waning Cycle of the Moon. Road Opener Oil: To aid in removing any unwanted energies and allowing us tonopen this healing session. Opening up our connection to the Full Moon. Hand Movements: Plucking away any unwanted energies. Combing through our energetic body to release those things that are standing in our path. Satin Spar Wand: To clear and transmute our energetic body, allowing those energies that are no longer serving to be released and encouraging those energies that are in alignment to aid us in balancing our energetic body, aiding us on our path. Scissors: To cut away any energetic cords, any attachments, any tethered energies that are ready for release. Clearing our energetic body. Hand movements: Brushing through our energetic body removing any energetic debris that's ready to go. Drawing the Moons energy into our being. Chrysocolla: To connect us to the sign of Pisces. Allowing us to connect with this New Eclipse portal, this New cycle. Hand movements: Drawing in the Moons energies. Full Moon Oil: To close our session and keep this connection to the Full Moon. Allowing our energetic body to fluff up into a protective shield, to act as a filtration system,  letting in those energies that are in aligment with our individual beings and keeping out those energies that are no longer serving, that are not in alignment with our self. #reikisession #asmrreiki #fullmoon #fullmoonrelease #pisces #energycleansing