MAKITA DUR181Z Strimmer line replace / Install new string trimmer line

MAKITA DUR181Z Strimmer line replace / Install new string trimmer line

Here I show you how to replace worn out /used up string trimmer line on the cordless 18 volt makita dur181 single line stimmer / weed whacker Please subscribe my channel and like this video as its always appreciated. Thanks. Akuoly 100m Strimmer Line Mower Line Round 1.6mm Makita DUR181Z 18V LXT Cordless Grass Line Trimmer Strimmer Body Only Disclaimer: The links above are amazon affiliate links. If you use these links to make a purchase, I may earn a small commission at no additional charge to you which helps support the channel Disclaimer; This video is for guidance only, as any project always wear the correct safety ppe and follow all safety guidelines. Please also be advised that this video is only a guide and I accept no responsibility for any injuries loss or damage occurred while following this video.