Shocking 2025 Study Rewrites Neanderthals
In 2025, a recent scientific study revealed amazing information that reshaped our understanding of Neanderthals. Research has shown that this ancient human was not as primitive as previously thought, but rather possessed advanced cognitive abilities. A unique structure was discovered in the Vanguard Cave in Gibraltar, which is believed to have been used to produce tar by heating certain plants in oxygen-free conditions, indicating a high level of organization and logical thinking in Neanderthals. almassaa.com In addition, previous studies have shown that Neanderthals moved with a straight back similar to modern humans, which refutes the previous belief that they were hunched. arabic.rt.com Research also indicates that Neanderthals used tree bark as medicine, indicating their knowledge of the medicinal properties of plants. reuters.com These discoveries shed light on the intellectual and social development of Neanderthals, and call for a reconsideration of our previous perceptions of their capabilities and livelihood. Sources   A shocking study 2025: A discovery that changes the history of Neanderthals forever! Amazing facts about Neanderthals… Were they smarter than we think? The Neanderthal mystery: A new study turns all concepts upside down! Scientists are amazed! An amazing discovery that rewrites the history of early humans Were Neanderthals as advanced as us? A new study reveals the surprise! #Neanderthals #New_discovery #Shocking_study #Human_history #Scientists_in_amazement #Scientific_research #Human_intelligence #Secrets_of_history #Neanderthals_2025 #Human_evolution