Don't Let Your Friends and Family Go to Hell | Joel Ramsey

Don't Let Your Friends and Family Go to Hell | Joel Ramsey

Don't Let Your Friends and Family Go to Hell | Joel Ramsey 00:00 Don't let loved ones face eternal separation from God; share the message of salvation urgently, as Jesus will judge believers and non-believers at His return. 08:32 Don't let loved ones face the eternal torment of hell by sharing the message of Jesus, as biblical teachings emphasize the reality of conscious punishment for unbelievers. 18:08 Share the message of Jesus with loved ones to guide them away from spiritual peril and fulfill our responsibility as ambassadors for Christ. 26:38 Don't let loved ones miss out on salvation; share your testimony and the gospel of Jesus to introduce them to God's love and truth. 31:21 Share your faith story and engage in meaningful conversations about the gospel, trusting God to work in others' hearts over time. 36:46 Pray for wisdom to share the gospel and personal experiences with friends and family, helping them reconnect with faith in their struggles. 41:31 Be patient and persistent in inviting friends and family to church events and discussions about faith to encourage their spiritual journey. 45:15 God wants everyone to be saved through Jesus for eternal life, and rejecting Him leads to hell. ➤ Want to Give Online, Connect, or have a Prayer Request or Praise Report you'd like to share? Then click here: