New Direction Worship Ministries Sunday Service (4/28/2024)
We are a community committed to obeying Jesus and proclaiming Him as our Lord & Savior in the greater Houston area. We believe in the power of the Holy Spirit, the resurrection of Jesus Christ, and the authority of scripture (Bible) as God’s divinely inspired living word. The Scripture is designed to teach, correct and train us as His servants. We come together at many different times, but our most important gathering is our weekly Sunday worship service. We respond to God’s invitation to learn about Him and know Him. We come together in the name of Jesus, and all are welcome to meet with Him and with us! Help us grow by clicking the link below: PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted... Givelify: https://giv.li/l5jnt7 Cash App: $NDWorshipMinistries ● CONTACT ● www.newdirectionworshipministries.org —————————— ❤ If You Were Blessed by This Video Please Share It With Others! ❤ Thank you for Watching, Subscribing, Commenting, Liking and for your Support! Love & Blessings Pastors Kentay & Shakeilla Smithbey